Ozone Therapy for Herpes (HSV-1 & HSV-2) : Latest Unexpected Clinical Reviews

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Ozone Therapy for Herpes (HSV-1 & HSV-2) : Latest Unexpected Clinical Reviews

ozone therapy for herpes

Ozone therapy for herpes started to receive more attention due to some testimonials from who have successfully reduced their viral load to negative. To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of topical ozone therapy for patients with herpes zoster by reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM), a group of Chinese scientist conducted a research by asking a total of 60 patients with herpes zoster who were divided into a control group and an ozone treatment group (n=30).

The basic idea behind using ozone therapy for herpes and other viral infections is that ozone—composed of three atoms of oxygen (O₃)—has strong oxidizing properties. Proponents claim that these oxidizing properties can neutralize bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Research & trial of ozone therapy in treating herpes

In the control group, patients took oral valacyclovir tablets or granules (0.3 g per day, three times a day) and they were subjected to local weak laser irradiation treatment plus topical 2% mupirocin ointment twice a day. In the ozone therapy for herpes group, the treatment is same as the control group except mupirocin ointment was replaced with topical ozone treatment (hydrotherapy every day plus ozonated oil twice a day).

The clinical symptoms, discoid cell and adverse reactions were observed and taken records at day 0, 3, 7 and 14. Statistical analysis was performed to compare the clinical efficacy between the 2 groups.

Results of using ozone therapy for herpes

Surprisingly, on the seventh day of treatment, the discoid cells of the ozone therapy for herpes group disappeared, and the difference between the control group and the ozone group was concluded as significant difference.

ozone therapy for herpes that appears on mouth from a woman

In details, the difference of decreased percentage of pain scores at each time point between the 2 groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). The clinical efficacy was 100% in the ozone group and 86.7% in the control group, with significant difference between the 2 groups (P<0.05). Therefore, it is safe to conclude that topical ozone therapy for herpes in patients is helpful in relieving pain, shortening the course as well as improving the clinical efficacy without obvious adverse reactions.

How Ozone Therapy Can Help You to Cure Herpes

Ozone therapies and their various techniques, such as MAH or EBOO, are surprisingly effective & safe way for fighting the infection of viruses, including HSV-1 & HSV-2. It works as booster of your immune system, by supplying amount of oxygen inside your body. Sufficient oxygen means better blood circulation which also leads to better nutrient transport inside your body. In conclusion for this positive effect, your efforts in healthy diet will also receive great enhancement if you do ozone therapy.

Ozone helps in Glutathione synthesis, strong antioxidant

Ozone promotes glutathione production when it meets with proteins in your blood. Ozonation improved the metabolism activity of mitochondria leading to an increase in biosynthesis of ATP, which is the source of energy necessary for the glutathione (GSH) production.

Glutathione works as antioxidant which is essential for the immune system’s proper functioning and is vital in building and repairing tissue. It helps to protect your body from damage to cells caused by free radicals exposure. After reading this, you might think that you don’t need ozone therapy and will just take Glutathione supplements, however Glutathione is not absorbed optimally when taken in the oral form. It is largely broken down by enzymes within the intestine. It is not possible to increase the amount of glutathione in your blood by taking it orally and should be administered intravenously.

But in some cases, the risk of allergy in Glutathion injection also co-exists. Therefore, the most natural way to experience Glutathione postive effect is by stimulationg your own metabolism to create one.

Increase the white blood cells to fight infection

People who do not get sick easily have a good immune system. The immune system can protect us from “attack” foreign objects from outside our bodies, lo.

This self-defense system is made up of a collection of cells, tissues, and organs that work well together to protect us from disease. One part of this defense system is called leukocytes or we are familiar with white blood cells.

White blood cells also play a role in immunity, fight germs (bacterias, viruses, molds) that attack the body and produce antibodies. Therefore, the number of white blood cells in our blood must be in accordance with the needs, or there should be neither excess nor deficiency.

Leukocytes or white blood cells are produced by the bone marrow which are then transported throughout the body. When a person has a shortage of white blood cells, his body will be susceptible to infection.

Then how ozone therapy helps to increase the white blood cells?

It is simple, because your nutrient transport is optimal, then your body is able to synthesis what you really need. Don’t forget that ozone therapy also triggers Glutathione synthesis, which also helpful to enhance your immune system.

Cleanse your blood from metabolism residue, toxic substance

Take a note that this function only applies in some technique of ozone therapy. Extracorporeal ozone or EBOO, in example, is able to provide you a cleansing treatment of your blood while providing oxygen supply. This 2-in-1 benefit is probably what you need the most while fighting the infection.

First, it will filter out your old-blood and passing it through semi-permeable filter membrane that will separate your blood molecules from heavy metals, uric acids & plaque oxidation residue. Since blood molecule is small, it will be able to pass the membrane, leaving all those toxic substances behind.

But what about bacteria & viruses? They are so small and will escape the membrane filtration, right?

The answer is yes. But they will get exposure from ozone later after the cleansing process. As you might have known before, ozone will destroy their defense with oxidation, leaving them susceptible, weaker or inactive.

Ozone therapy for herpes is clinically proven & worth to try

Fighting virus infection needs a great symphony between healthy diet, stress-management, also preventive treatment. Sometimes it is just not enough to do balanced lifestyle & your body will truly appreciate how you do the extra miles in taking care of your health.

From some research, topical use of ozone therapy for herpes yields great effectiveness in alleviating the pain also helps the tissue to recover quickly. While the use of intravenous ozone therapy for herpes, helps the body to stimulate more immune system cells which are essential to eliminate or suppress the pathogens.

After Ozone Therapy, Manage Your Herpes Breakouts

It’s important to consult a healthcare provider for a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. However, here are some general guidelines to manage herpes breakouts:

Antiviral Medication

  • Prescription antiviral medications like acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir can help shorten outbreaks, reduce the severity of symptoms, and decrease the risk of transmitting the virus to others.

Topical Treatments

  • Over-the-counter creams and ointments can help alleviate symptoms, but they are generally less effective than prescription antivirals.

Pain Management

  • Over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help relieve pain associated with herpes sores.


  • Keep the affected area clean and dry.
  • Avoid picking or scratching the sores, as this can spread the virus to other parts of the body or to other people.
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially after touching the affected area.

Lifestyle Changes

  • Stress management techniques such as meditation and relaxation exercises may help in managing outbreaks, as stress can trigger them.
  • Adequate sleep and a balanced diet can also contribute to better management of herpes symptoms.

Barrier Methods

  • Using latex condoms can reduce but not eliminate the risk of transmitting genital herpes.

Disclosure and Communication

  • It’s essential to communicate openly with sexual partners about your condition and take necessary precautions to prevent transmission.

Regular Medical Check-Ups

  • Regular consultations with a healthcare provider are essential for monitoring the frequency and severity of outbreaks and adapting the treatment strategy as needed.

In conclusion, if you are looking for some option to fight your infection, ozone therapy for herpes might be one of your best choices. We are looking forward to receive your inquiries and please feel free to do consultation with us.

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